After over a month of work on and off (about 20 hours of work, actually), my latest mural is now complete!
Now that I have the Jeep stuff out of my system, I can focus on other stuff. I'm trying to keep up with my family life and work and everything else along with the webpage, so I haven't had a whole lot of time to post stuff or draw, or anything.
I'm also taking on a new task by starting up my own business doing murals and paintings for people. So far, I'm having a blast, it just takes up a lot of my free time. It pays really good, though. I don't make a dime off of my comics, but they're in my blood, so I don't plan on stopping doing comics any time soon.
For those who have posted responses on my Livejournal, thanks! I'm always glad to read your responses!
Anyway, gotta go paint and draw and I'll post something soon, I promise!
I have been moving again, not to my surprise. As much as I hate to do it, I had to move for the 3rd time in the last eight months. Sheesh! These old bones need a break. Especially now that I've turned twenty...something. I need to relax and draw some completely ravenous fight scenes or something.
To everyone that posted a response to my last journal entry, thanks a bunch! This has been a great thread! If you've missed it, check out the link in my last post below!
Trying to get some stuff done on the website and on my latest comic, but I'm trying to balance family life with work and moving the last week or so. I had a vacation, but I got screwed BIG TIME from a local Jeep dealer service department. I hate dealers, don't ever take your car to one unless you plan on debating on whether or not your car was fixed or whether there was anything wrong with it in the first place. Or whether or not you are lying about having removed an oil plug the day before they claimed to have not been able to remove it and had to replace the entire oil pan and charge you over $500 for it. And then not tell you that this is why they did all that work until after the fact. I know these arguments sound a little strange on my part to even think such things about a reputable dealership. But hey, to the dealer, these are very valid points. I even queried, "How could your mechanics not have gotten the oil plug out with all of their tools if I just had it out and replaced it by hand yesterday?"
To which they so humbly replied, "Well, sir. It was because even though it says on the invoice that we couldn't get the oil plug OUT, it was actually that we couldn't get a new oil plug back IN." Being the reasonable man I am, I advised them that I was thinking about purchasing a new jeep, but I will go elsewhere when the time comes.
Well, the next day, what do you know? Oil is leaking from the bottom of my Jeep again. Silly me, I thought I took my vehicle to be repaired for the same problem, oh, two days ago! Well, the dealership was so very sorry. They said they fixed what was wrong before, so this must be a completely different problem. The $500 oil pan they just replaced has a 12 year warranty on it. Heck, if I bring it back in and it turns out to be the oil pan, I might get a new one at no extra charge. And if it's leaking from a different place than their trusty mechanics surmised in the first place, then I'll even get to throw in some extra cash and they might even fix THIS problem. If not, well hey, who knows, I guess I could pay to have the windshield replaced. It could be the only logical place for an oil leak. Why would anyone take the time out to CHECK and see what's wrong when you can GUESS?
Their service technicians are so reliable that I can leave the service department with a sparkle in my smile, and a skip to my step, because by golly gosh darn, my vehicle is in the hands of the most reliable service technicians money can pay for.
What, another update on the same day? Click here for today's Livejournal entry:
While I work on the last two parts of the Bounce Magazine story, "Generation's Dawning," I have decided to post pages from an issue of "Legends: Secret of the Ancients" that I never finished. I had started to go in a more "cartoony" direction, which I really liked, but it just didn't fit with the preceding storylines, so I did what I like to do quite often: I started over.
I did the preliminary pencils for all of the pages up until about page 12, so the story stops in the middle. But, I decided to post them anyway just for the fun of it.
Call me cynical, but everywhere I go, trouble is never far behind with a 110 lb. body and a blonde "Womb Broom." Click on my journal entry to see what I'm talking about:
I'm not just lousing around, I'm just looking to buy my first house. Part 4 of "Generation's Dawning" is almost done. I've already planned out part 5, and I'm currently also planning out part 6. When I actually get time to work on my comics, I can get quite a bit done, but time is my main problem. Perhaps I should look in Fandar for a house. That way, I can be absorbed in my work all the time and I won't have to worry about the real world. But then, I guess I'd have to worry about freaky tyrants and alien races trying to impose global domination all the time, so...maybe for now, I'll stick to power hungry supervisors trying to impose shorter breaks and less absences.
Posted a b&w version of this month's free donation wallpaper, "Young Little Wolf."
I've posted all of the "Secret of the Ancients" storyline to date, so I'll be working diligently on the Bounce Magazine series for a little while. I have the art done for a few pages of part 4 of SoA, so I might go back and letter them every once in a while when I have a chance so I'll have something to post here.
I'm saving up in my Paypal account so that I can publish all of the SoA storyline in a graphic novel. Feel free when you win the lottery to use the donate button to the left <---- to deposit exactly 62% of your winnings into my Paypal account. If this is too much, I will settle for 61%. I'm not that greedy.
Seriously, though. If you can spare some change, please donate so I can raise the funds to publish my own book. Even just the cost of a single comic book would help out a lot. If you use the button above ^ ^ ^ to donate, you will get an exclusive full color "Young Little Wolf" wallpaper just for donating!
If you haven't been keeping up with the Bounce Magazine mini-series, now is the time to catch up. The Realmwalkers from long ago get taken off guard when they're attacked out of nowhere by Fandar's most devious villains. They find a starpool hidden in the walls of the Magna-Fortress. Altimus, Little Wolf's father braves the portal, in search of some answers as to why everything is coming down all at once. They suspect a traitor has led the enemies to them, because the Magna-Fortress is hidden from the naked eye by an ancient enchantment. Soon, the traitor will be revealed, as well as the evil force that is behind the assault. For more information, pick up the latest issue of Bounce Magazine, or visit:
Had some server problems just recently, but now everything seems to be up and running okay.
I went back and added most of the pages from past storylines, so for now the comics will update daily. I'm still working on "Generation's Dawning," so there won't be many updates for "Secret of the Ancients" for a few months after the current storyline. After I finish GD, I'll get back to my regular schedule.
Here's your friendly neighborhood Filthius-Man! We've just recently changed over to Keenspace for our server, so no more server costs! Yay! ...What're you staring at? Keenspace requires some advertising, but hey, who's complaining?
Check out the Downloads section if you haven't yet, and ye may learn a little about swordfighting from the swordfighting expert, Little Wolf!
Also, don't forget to stop by the Banner section so you can find yourself in awe of the latest banner! Add one to your site today and we will be very pleased, and we won't chop off your head. Have a nice day! :)